As believers in Christ, we need to see that everything depends on God’s mercy, for only God can lead us to where we should be, only He can work in us and around us what He wants to do, and no matter what we do or not do, it all depends on God’s mercy. Amen! […]
As God Deals with us and we Cooperate with Him, Everything Depends on God’s Mercy
Serve the Lord by Trusting in His Mercy in the Selection of Grace: God is Sovereign!

We believers in Christ serve God by trusting in His mercy in the selection of grace, for God is sovereign and merciful. When we see God’s sovereignty, we will simply worship Him for His sovereign mercy, for He is the One who does everything in us and for us; even in bearing the responsibility, He […]
If we See God’s Sovereign Mercy we will Worship Him and Fulfill our Responsibility

If we know God’s sovereignty, we will thank Him for His mercy, realizing that we are under His sovereign mercy today; when we see God’s sovereignty, we will worship Him for His sovereign mercy and we will give ourselves to Him to fulfill our responsibility today. We see that God is sovereign and that all […]
It’s all of God’s Mercy: we Hope in His Mercy and come to Receive Mercy & Find Grace

Our God is a merciful God, and we thank and worship Him for His mercy, which reaches further than His grace; we come forward with boldness to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace for timely help. On the one hand, we need to realize that God is sovereign, and in His […]
God Sovereignly Created us to be Vessels of Mercy and Honor Prepared unto Glory

God is sovereign, and God sovereignly created us to be His containers, vessels of mercy unto honor and glory, according to His predestination; He is making known the riches of His glory upon us, the vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory. Amen! We all need to see a vision of God’s […]
See a Vision of God’s Sovereignty and Worship Him for His Sovereignty and Mercy

As believers in Christ, it is crucial for us to see a vision of God’s sovereignty and His mercy so that we may realize that He is the sovereign One working behind the scenes, He is the One above everything, in everything, and behind everything to show us mercy to make us vessels of mercy […]
Losing the Soul-Life for the Lord’s Sake and for the Church to be Built up Today

We need to learn to exercise the key of losing the soul-life to lock this gate of Hades for the building up of the church; if we are willing to lose our present soulish enjoyment for the sake of the Lord’s sake and for the church, others will be nourished by us, we will enjoy […]