Inhale God as we Read the Bible and Exhale Him as we Speak to others to Minister Life

All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for us so that we may be equipped and perfected for every good work; we need to inhale God as we read the Bible to receive life, and we need to exhale God as we speak to others to impart life to them. Amen! This is the only way […]

In Resurrection Christ became the Spirit for us to Receive Him as the Holy Breath!

Hallelujah, in His resurrection Christ became the Spirit for us to receive Him as the holy breath simply by calling on His name day by day! God’s intention is to gain a corporate God-man for His corporate manifestation in this universe; what He desires is not a good man but a God-man, a man of […]

The Seed of David became the Son of God: how we can Cooperate with God’s Intention

Jesus Christ is the seed of David, having a dignified human nature which was exalted and glorified along with His divine nature; the seed of David – Christ as the Son of Man according to the flesh – became the Son of God, implying that God’s intention is to make Himself man so that man […]

Christ Rose from the Dead on the First day of the Week to Germinate the New Creation

One of the most wonderful aspects of Christ’s work is His rising on the first day of the week to germinate the new creation; the old creation was put to death and terminated in Christ, and now we as believers in Christ are a new creation in resurrection. Praise the Lord! The Lord’s resurrection is […]

The Lord Jesus was Raised from the Dead in Victory and as Firstfruits of Resurrection

In His resurrection, the Lord Jesus as the Son of Man was raised from the dead and as the Son of God He resurrected Himself from the dead; furthermore, He offered Himself to the Father as the firstfruits in resurrection for His satisfaction. Hallelujah! In 2 Tim. 2:8 Paul said, Remember Jesus Christ, raised from […]

The Lord Jesus Christ Brought Life and Incorruption to Light through the Gospel

Having nullified death through His death, the Lord Jesus brought life and incorruption to the light through the gospel in His resurrection; today we have His death-overcoming life in our spirit, and we experience incorruption in our Christian life. Amen! How we thank and praise our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, who nullified death and […]

On the Cross Christ Destroyed the Devil, Judged the World, and Condemned Sin in the Flesh

Through His death on the cross, Christ destroyed the devil, judged the world, and condemned sin in the flesh; today we can enjoy this wonderful Christ swallowing up any death and destroying the enemy and his works in us as we turn to Him. Hallelujah! 2 Tim. 1:10 is a wonderful verse showing us that […]