We need to Grow in Life and be Transformed to be Living Stones for God’s Building

God’s goal is to have a spiritual house built up with living stones; Christ came to us as the incorruptible seed to grow in us and produce us as living stones for God’s building, and we as believers come to Him as a living stone to become living stones through regeneration and transformation. Amen! The […]

The Central Thought of Peter’s Epistles & the Entire Scripture is Life and Building

The central thought of Peter’s Epistles and of the entire Scripture is life and building, and life is nothing else but the Triune God in Christ as the Spirit dispensing Himself into us to produce the building, the church as the Body of Christ. Hallelujah! This week we come to the topic of, Life and […]

We should Commit our Souls to the Faithful Creator and Live to Righteousness Today

As those under the mighty hand of God for His discipline, suffering in our soul, we should commit our souls to the faithful Creator who loves us and cares for us, realizing that we have died to sins in the death of Christ so that in His resurrection we might live to righteousness under God’s […]

Being Willing to be Humbled under God’s Mighty Hand to Enjoy the All Grace of God

We believers in Christ need to be willing to be humbled under the mighty hand of God, which carries out the government of God, for God gives grace to the humble but resists the proud; if we are humbled under God’s mighty hand, we can enjoy the Triune God as all grace in our daily […]

We Commit All Things to God who Judges Righteously and are Holy in our Manner of Life

When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He lived a human life that was absolutely under the government of God, and He committed everything related to Him to God’s government. He now lives in us, and we today should live a Christian life under the government of God, passing our days in fear and living […]

God uses Fiery Ordeals to Purify us: live the Christian Life under God’s Government

As believers in Christ, we need to realize that God uses fiery ordeals to deal with us in the judgment of His governmental administration, which begins from His house, so we need to live the Christian life under the government of God, allowing the Lord to purify us and remove any dross from our being. […]

We Believers are under God’s Disciplinary Judgment Daily to Partake of His Holiness

Our God and Father is holy, He has regenerated us to produce a holy family, and we as His holy children should walk in a holy manner of life; therefore, we are under God’s disciplinary judgment daily so that all our holiness may be removed. Amen! God created the universe in a perfect way, and […]