The Christ who is the reality of all positive things is the One who is the Head of the Body; when we enjoy Him, we are Body-conscious and we are holding the Head (see Col. 2:19). Hallelujah for our unsearchably rich Christ, who is the reality of all positive things in the universe! Everything that […]
Holding the Head, Christ, by Enjoying Him as the Reality of all the Positive Things
Being Enlightened and Rising up Together to take Christ as Person for the New Man

If we are unveiled and enlightened, we will see that today in the Lord’s recovery we need to rise up together to take Christ as our person for the one new man; we need to hold to Christ and grow into Him in all things to arrive at a full-grown man. What God desires to […]
The Building up of the Body of Christ is the Growth in Life of All the Believers

We need to give the Lord the freedom and the permission to touch us, enlighten us, and speak a direct word to us concerning the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. We may have seen a vision of God’s building and we may have realized that the building is the highest […]
Growing in Life by Holding to Truth in Love for the Building up of the Body of Christ

God’s highest and deepest purpose for the church is to head up all things in Christ through the church. As part of the church, how can we cooperate with the Lord for the heading up of all things in Christ? It is not by our outward doing or “ruling over others” that we bring all […]
Holding to Truth in Love that We may Grow up Into Christ in All Things for the New Man

God’s desire is to gain a corporate man who fully expresses Him in His image and represents Him with His dominion. This man in God’s plan is a full-grown man, one who fulfills God’s purpose on the earth. For us as the many believers in Christ to arrive at a full-grown man, we need to […]
Arriving at the Oneness in Practicality by Growing in Life Unto Maturity

How can all the Christians on the earth be one? They should be one since they all believe into the same Lord Jesus, but somehow they “hold to different views”, treasuring specific doctrines, and they are all divided. But the Lord desires to recover the oneness of the Body of Christ in practicality by our […]
the Body of Christ builds itself up through all the members growing and functioning in their measure
Many Christians wondered and studied this very important question, How can we build up the Body of Christ? Yes, the Lord Jesus said in Matt. 16:18 that He will build up His church, but how can we as members of the Body contribute to the building up of the Body of Christ? Yes, there are […]