The church life is a life of being headed up in Christ by our growing in the divine life; as we hold Christ as the Head, we grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, and through us God can head up all things in Christ. God’s will is to head up […]
The Church Life is a Life of being Headed up in Christ by Growing in the Divine Life
The Building up of the Body of Christ is the Growth in Life of All the Believers

We need to give the Lord the freedom and the permission to touch us, enlighten us, and speak a direct word to us concerning the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. We may have seen a vision of God’s building and we may have realized that the building is the highest […]
Growing in Christ by Acknowledging His Headship and by Allowing Him to Increase in us

In order for God to head up all things in Christ at the fullness of the times (Eph. 1:10) we today as the church need to hold to Christ as the Head and grow up into Him in all things (Eph. 4:15). We need to allow the Lord to grow in us by cooperating with Him […]
The Enjoyment of Christ Causes us to Hold Him as the Head and be Body-Conscious

The all-inclusive Christ is the reality of all the positive things in the universe, and this One is the Head of the Body. When we enjoy Christ as the reality of all the positive things we become conscious of the Body of Christ and we desire to meet with the saints and share our enjoyment […]
Holding to Truth in Love that We may Grow up Into Christ in All Things for the New Man

God’s desire is to gain a corporate man who fully expresses Him in His image and represents Him with His dominion. This man in God’s plan is a full-grown man, one who fulfills God’s purpose on the earth. For us as the many believers in Christ to arrive at a full-grown man, we need to […]
Building up the Body by Holding Christ as the Head to Receive the Growth in Life

The goal of our enjoyment of Christ, our experience of Christ, our going through the cross, and of everything in our Christian life is the growth of the Body, the building up of the Body. If the Body of Christ doesn’t grow unto maturity, the bride of Christ is not prepared, and Christ as the […]
the desire of God’s heart is set on Zion with Christ – will you be an overcomer?

The key to becoming an overcomer is to give the Lord the preeminence, the first and best love! Loving the Lord, eating the Lord, and being His testimony (see Rev. 2) go together – this is the key to being an overcomer! We are not the super-giants spiritually (Rev. 3:8), but we have little power and don’t deny His name! It is out of the mouths of babes and sucklings that God has established praise (Psa. 8). Will You be an overcomer? AMEN! Will YOU make this choice? AMEN! Lord, make me an overcomer! [continue reading this sharing inspired from message 3 in the recent training on the Psalms]