We Follow the Pattern of the Divine Trinity to do all things in, by and for the Body

As believers in Christ, we need to follow the pattern of the Divine Trinity to do all things not in, by, or for ourselves but in, by, and for the Body, one with the Lord, for His kingdom to come in. In His kingly ministry for the establishing of His heavenly kingdom in the stage […]

The Growth of the Body of Christ is the Building up of the Body of Christ in Love

 The growth of the Body of Christ depends on the growth of God, the addition of God, the increase of God within us as the many members of the Body of Christ; the growth of the Body is the building up of the Body of Christ. Amen, how much we need the growth of […]

Hold the Head and Grow by having Christ Added to us for the Building up of the Body

 As believers in Christ, we need to hold the Head, Christ, out of whom all the Body is richly supplied and knit together by means of the joints and sinews, growing with the growth of God; we’re rooted in Christ to absorb His riches and grow in life, and our growth is the building […]