Today the Lord is recovering the matter of loving the Lord Jesus with the first love, the best love, and of loving one another for the building up of the church; we need to be one with the church-loving Christ and love the Lord to the uttermost by being constrained by His love. The […]
Love the Lord with the Best Love and Love one another for the Building up of the Body
We Take Christ as our Lord by being Constrained by His Love to Live to the Lord

We need to take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Lord by being people who live to the Lord (not merely for the Lord), being constrained by the love of Christ to live to Him and thus be under His control, direction, and governing. Amen! Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is our Lord and our King! For […]
Christ was made Sin for us so that We might Become the Righteousness of God in Him

In 2 Cor. 5:19-20 Paul speaks of two steps of reconciliation; the first step is to reconcile sinners to God from sin (Christ died for our sins for us to be reconciled to God), and the second step is to reconcile believers living in the natural life to God from the flesh (Christ was made sin […]
As Slaves of God we Live to the Lord, not to Ourselves, because we are the Lord’s!

After God gave the law to Moses in Exo. 19-20, He went on in ch. 21:1-6 to speak of a slave who did not want to go out free but serve his master forever because he loved his master, his wife, and his children. The law was given to show the people of Israel who […]
As Ambassadors of Christ We Desire to Be Well Pleasing to God by Living to Him
![In all the aspects of our daily life, we need to seek to please the Lord - who loves us and constrains us with His love - by living to Him. [Picture: 2 Cor. 5:9]](
In 2 Cor. 5:9 we see that Paul had an ambition, a strong determination, to gain the honor of being well-pleasing to God. As ambassadors of Christ, we need to seek to be well-pleasing to God by living to Him. On the one hand, we shouldn’t be ambitious persons, especially ambitious for position or glory. […]
overcoming the loss of the first love by giving the Lord the preeminence in all things

One very simple way to overcome the loss of the first love for the Lord is to give Christ the first place, the preeminence, in all things. The Bible begins with, “In the beginning, God …” (Gen. 1:1), and Colossians tells us that Christ must have the first place, the preeminence, in all things (Col. 1:18). In order for us to love the Lord with the first and best love, we need to consider the Lord Jesus as the first in everything. In God’s eyes and in God’s economy, Christ is the first – but what about in our personal universe, in our decisions, considerations, emotions, living, walking, speaking, attitude, and in all our being? [read more online]
on the cross Christ suffered men’s reproach, despising, deriding, sneering, head shaking, and mocking
This week we are getting into Psalm 22, which speaks about Christ who passed through the redeeming death and entered into the church-producing resurrection. Wow, a whole week to get into the death of Christ in all its aspects and all its details! I am looking forward to daily know the Lord in His suffering […]