Because all authority in heaven and on earth was given to Christ in His resurrection, we can go with His authority to disciple all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; we go with the Lord’s authority to bind the strong man and […]
We Go to Disciple all the Nations having the Lord’s Authority to Bind and Loose
Answer God’s Call to be One with Him in His Move on Earth, Here I am, Lord, Send me!

The Lord moves in our move, and He has a need on earth for many of His believers to be one with Him in their daily living and in their move to spread the truth and preach the gospel to the whole inhabited earth. Amen, what a privilege it is for us to do […]
this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony!
I am so encouraged with what the Lord is doing today! On the one hand we have the high peak truth and the high gospel – the complete gospel as revealed in the whole New Testament – and on the other hand we have a way to enjoy the Lord, practice the church life, build up the Body, and become the Bride of Christ! In His recovery the Lord is continually speaking – conference after conference, training after training, meeting after meeting, and even morning after morning as we spend time with Him. [continue reading online]