Praise the Lord – everything of the old is gone, now everything is new! God is new, Christ is new, and we are the new creation! In His incarnation and His death Christ replaced everything of the old – including the old creation – with Himself, the new and living One! In Psalm 2, Psalm 8, Psalm 16, Psalm 22-24 we can see what kind of Christ we have in His incarnation – He came to carry out God’s will and His commission to terminate the old and bring in the new creation. We were included in the old creation terminated and germinated by Him! In Christ we are no longer old – we are a new creation
as the factor to enact God’s New Testament economy, Christ replaced all the sacrifices with Himself
Who may sojourn in God’s tent? Who may dwell with God on His holy mountain? Only Christ is qualified!
Psa. 15:1 says, O Jehovah, who may sojourn in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy mountain? These questions can be rephrased as, What kind of man may dwell with God for His heart’s desire and good pleasure? David’s answer to this question in Psalms 15 is a good man, not an evil man, […]
The Intrinsic Meaning of the Sabbath is to be Fired by Christ and Replaced by Him!

What is the Sabbath and what is the real significance, the intrinsic meaning, of the Sabbath? In the Old Testament, God commanded His people to “take one day off”, the Sabbath day, when they would just worship God and spend time with God to “do His business”. But what about us, in the New Testament? […]
not imitating Christ but living Christ
Many people say “I can’t become a Christian because I can’t do all that the Bible says”, and “the Lord Jesus is a good model, but I can’t live the way He did”. Also, many believers try to imitate Christ, striving to obey what the Bible says, and struggling to be good people/Christians. Some even […]