We grow up into the Head as we acknowledge the authority of the headship of Christ and by allowing Christ to grow and increase in all the parts of our inner being. For us to hold Christ as the Head means that we acknowledge that He is the Head and we come absolutely under His […]
We Acknowledge the Headship of Christ and Allow Him to Grow in us to Grow up into the Head
Hold to Truth in Love and Grow up into Christ in all Things to be Headed up in Christ

In order for us to be headed up in Christ, we need to grow up into Christ in all things; in big and small things, in all our daily life and work, in all things we need to grow up into the Head, Christ. As we read the Bible and meet such a verse as […]
God Heads us up by Working Himself as the Factor of Life into us to Attach us to the Body

As believers in Christ, we need to take the lead to be headed up in Christ, being rescued out of the heap of universal collapse by the factor of life to be brought under Christ as the Head and be in absolute peace and harmony. God’s will is to head up all things in Christ; […]
God’s Dispensation Accomplishes the Heading up in Christ unto the Fullness of Times

The heading up of all things is according to God’s dispensation, for God is dispensing Himself into man to head up all things in Christ, and in the New Jerusalem He will gain a fully headed up universe! Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Knowing and Participating in […]
In the Church Life we’re Headed up by Light and Life to Consummate the New Jerusalem

God’s way of heading us up in the church life is by life and light; He imparts Himself as life into us to bring us out of death, and He shines on us to bring us into His kingdom of light. Light and life operate in us to head us up, bringing us out of […]
We’re being Headed up through the Divine Dispensing, God’s Household Arrangement

God’s intention is to head up all things in Christ; He doesn’t do this in a forceful way or a sneaky way (as Satan does) but in a sweet and intimate way, for we are headed up through the divine dispensing! Amen! God’s eternal will, which relates to what God wants and what He intends […]
The Church Life is a Life of being Headed up in Christ by Growing in the Divine Life

The church life is a life of being headed up in Christ by our growing in the divine life; as we hold Christ as the Head, we grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, and through us God can head up all things in Christ. God’s will is to head up […]