Most Christians have heard of or read a specific chapter in the Bible which gives a view of Christ found nowhere else – Isaiah chapter 53. Here we see that Christ as a perfect man lived a lowly and sorrowful human life. He didn’t “look nice” nor was he famous and charismatic – rather, He […]
Christ as a man lived a lowly and sorrowful human life – this fully qualified Him to be our Redeemer!
Filed Under: expounding the truth, God became a man, God's economy, love the Lord, O Lord Jesus!, the gospel, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: Christ had no attractive form, Christ is our Redeemer, Christ is our Savior, Christ lived a lowly life, Christ lived a sorrowful life, Christ was a man of sorrows, Christ was acquainted with grief, Christ was forsaken by men, crystallization study of Isaiah, despised and forsaken by men, He grew up like a root out of a dry ground, He grew up like a tender plant, perfected through suffering, the Lord Jesus was despised
sharing from the crystallization-study of Isaiah(2) – the all-inclusive Christ as seen in Isaiah(part 1)

Without any doubt, the riches of our Lord Jesus Christ are truly immeasurable, boundless, and eternal. The past Winter Video Training focusing on the book of Isaiah proved that even more. In my whole experience as a Christian, I can admit that it is only now, after this video training, that I began to understand […]
Filed Under: Christ became the Spirit, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, love the Lord, the all-inclusive Christ, the Body of Christ, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Triune God Tagged With: a root out of dry ground, apart from Christ we're nothing, appreciate the Lord, Christ as the Servant of Jehovah, Christ is Jehovah the Savior, Christ is the glad tidings, Christ is the new covenant, Christ will see a seed, Crystallization study, crystallization study of Isaiah, drink God, drinking Jesus, He grew up like a tender plant, life union with Christ, our Lord was never discouraged, righteously paid salvation, set His face like a flint, the all-inclusive Christ, video training, we are a corporate seed