The divine, dispositional sanctification is carried out by Christ as the life-giving Spirit, who is the sanctifying and speaking Spirit; we are washed by the water in the Word to be sanctified in our disposition and be made holy, even as God is holy. Amen! In Eph. 5:26-27 we are told that Christ sanctifies […]
Christ as the Speaking Spirit Sanctifies us by His Living Word to make us His Bride
Being those who to Listen Carefully to the Word of God, Obey God’s Word, and Act on it

As believers in Christ, we need to listen carefully to God’s word, obey God’s word, and act on it, coming to God’s word with a proper attitude to care for contacting God and obeying what He is speaking to us; this will lead to having success in serving God and working for God. This week […]
God Wants only our Cooperation: we need to Stop Ourselves and Let God Speak and Work

The Bible doesn’t give us a specific list of things we should do when serving God, but throughout the Bible we see a few important principles which we need to apply to our daily life for our cooperation with Him. One of these principles is that all our work and service in the church must […]
God’s Covenant with Abraham: Receiving the Life-Giving Spirit as the God’s Blessing

Our God is a covenanting God, and we are His covenanted people. Even though man fell, God came in to preach the gospel and promised that the seed of the woman will destroy the serpent; this seed of the woman is Christ and also the man-child, the overcomers. This covenant God made with Adam was […]
Being in Spirit to See the Vision of the Glorious Christ (even During Tribulation)

The apostle John was exiled on the island of Patmos for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus (Rev. 1:2), and there he saw a vision of the glorious Christ. The Christ he saw was different from the Christ he knew while on earth. The Christ John saw was a glorious One, the […]