We abide in Christ so that He may abide in us by caring for the inward teaching of the all-inclusive anointing; the anointing anoints God into us so that we may be saturated with God and know the mind of God in all things. Amen! As believers in Christ, we need to realize that, at […]
Abide in Christ by Caring for the Teaching of the Anointing to Know the Mind of God
Participate in God’s Mind to have the Mind of Christ and Participate in God’s Being

Because we believers in Christ have become God-men through regeneration, we have the right to participate in God’s mind and have the anointing, the inner sense of life in our spirit, and we have the right to participate in God’s being. The New Testament clearly tells us that as many as believe into Christ, […]
Follow the Pattern of Paul in Philippians to Take Christ as Everything in our Experience

We need to follow the pattern of Paul as seen in Philippians to take Christ as our everything in our daily experience. Paul did not just write to the Philippians to encourage them to go on with the Lord; he testified again and again how he took Christ as his everything in his experience. […]
Being on Alert about our Speaking and Opinions, for One Accord is the Key to God’s Blessing

The master key to every blessing in the New Testament is the one accord; we need to realize that in the church life everything depends on God’s blessing, and He pours out His blessing, even the fullness of the blessing of Christ, upon the saints in one accord. Amen! The one accord is really the […]
Practice the one Accord by being in one Spirit with one Soul, being Attuned in the same Mind

For us to practice the one accord, we need to learn to be in one spirit with one soul; we need to be attuned in the same mind and the same opinion so that we may be one in soul, not only one in spirit. Being in one accord is a vital factor for the […]