The church is God’s farm, His cultivated land, and we believers in Christ are God’s fellow workers, working as farmers together with God by an all-fitting life to sow the seed of life into people, water them with the Spirit of life by His healthy words, and labour on the saints to bring forth Christ. […]
As God’s Fellow Workers we work as Farmers together with Him in God’s Cultivated Land
We Exercise our Spirit to be Built up in the Church as the Dwelling Place of God
![In whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit. Eph. 2:22](
The church is the house of God and the household of God – the church is the dwelling place of God, the place where He finds rest, puts His trust, and expresses Himself; we need to exercise our spirit to eat the Lord in His word to grow in life for the building up […]
Minister the Riches of Christ as Spiritual Food and Speak the Same Thing in One Accord
![Then He said to me, Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel. Ezek. 3:1](
As good ministers of Christ Jesus, we need to minister the riches of Christ as spiritual food to others so that they may be nourished and grow in life, and we need to speak the same thing with one accord and with one mouth, speaking the economy of God which is in faith. Amen! […]
We Grow in Life for the Church by Feeding on the Word and being Watered in the Meetings
![I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth. 1 Cor. 3:6](
In order for us to grow with the growth of God, we need to drink from the guileless milk of the word, eat the solid food in the word of God, and give the Lord more room in our being to grow in life for the church. Amen! All genuine believers in Christ, those who […]
Enjoy Christ as the Land of Milk and Honey to be Constituted with Him and Minister Him
![Jehovah God has given me the tongue of the instructed, that I may know how to sustain the weary with a word. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple. Isa. 50:4](
One wonderful way for us to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the good land in His redeeming and generating aspects is by eating God’s words, for God’s word is milk for us to drink and honey to eat. The good land to which the Old Testament makes reference again and again is a land flowing […]
Drink the Word to Grow and be Transformed to be Living Stones for God’s Building
![1 Pet. 2:4-5 Coming to Him, a living stone, rejected by men but with God chosen and precious, you yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house into a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.](
If we read John 1:42 and Matt. 16:18 we will realise that both Christ and the believers are living stones for God’s building, and that God’s goal is to have a spiritual house built up with living stones. Yes, Christ is the living stone, and we are born as men of clay, but through regeneration, […]
Advancing from the Milk of the Word to the Word of Righteousness as the Solid Food
As those who realize that God’s word is our food, we need to advance from the milk of the word (in 1 Pet. 2:2) to the word of righteousness as solid food (in Heb. 5:13-14) so that we may grow in life. As believers in Christ, we have the Spirit with our spirit, and Jesus […]