If we want to fully possess Christ as the good land, we need to flee from idolatry; we need to see what is the principle of the golden-calf idol and refuse to have anything in our heart that we love more than the Lord, and we need to have the enjoyment of the Lord […]
See the Principle of Idolatry and Flee from Idolatry to Enjoying Christ in Spirit
We Pursue Christ and Worship God, being no longer Slaves of sin or idol worshippers

As believers in Christ, we pursue Christ to gain Him and worship God, being no longer slaves of sin or idol worshippers. The prophet Elijah was raised up during one of the darkest hours of Israel’s sad history when they worshipped idols; may we heed the warning and be those who pursue Christ to gain […]
Being Exposed of having Idols in our Heart and Returning to God to Drink and Enjoy Him

The evil condition of a wicked person is that they don’t come to the Lord to eat and enjoy Him; rather, they may do many things, but they don’t drink Him, and they have idols in their heart, seeking after God yet still having other things and matters that they worship. As believers in Christ, […]
Guarding Ourselves from Idols and being the Lord’s Faithful Witnesses, His Martyrs

When the church goes the way of the world and accepts worldly things, practices, and situations as normal, we need to be like Antipas, the faithful witnesses for the Lord with the spirit of a martyr, standing against anything the world has to offer and bring into the church, so that we may keep the Lord’s […]
Being Victorious over the Seduction of Idol Worship and Any Spiritual Blindness

In each of the first six chapters of Daniel, we see an aspect of how Daniel and his three companions overcame Satan and his stratagems. In the first chapter, we see that Daniel and his companions were victorious over the demonic diet, choosing rather to eat food according to the Word of God – and […]
overcoming the loss of the first love by giving the Lord the preeminence in all things

One very simple way to overcome the loss of the first love for the Lord is to give Christ the first place, the preeminence, in all things. The Bible begins with, “In the beginning, God …” (Gen. 1:1), and Colossians tells us that Christ must have the first place, the preeminence, in all things (Col. 1:18). In order for us to love the Lord with the first and best love, we need to consider the Lord Jesus as the first in everything. In God’s eyes and in God’s economy, Christ is the first – but what about in our personal universe, in our decisions, considerations, emotions, living, walking, speaking, attitude, and in all our being? [read more online]
being in the light and guarding ourselves from any lie, vanity, or idols trying to replace God!
Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; vanity of vanities; all is vanity. “No matter how good, excellent, marvelous, and wonderful a thing may be, as long as it is of the old creation, it is part of the vanity of vanities under the sun” – only the new creation, God mingled with man and man walking in God as the light, is reality!