After the second veil in the tabernacle is the Holy of Holies, in which there was the ark of the covenant (covered in gold on the inside and the outside), in which were the golden pot (that had the manna) and Aaron’s rod (that budded) and the tablets of the covenant (see Heb. 9:3-4). The […]
As the Divine Life Grows in us, the Law of Life Shapes us to the Image of Christ
When the Process of Designation is Completed we will be the Same as Christ

David was a man after God’s heart, and he wanted to build a house for God; this was a noble desire, but God told David that it was his son that will build Him a house, and his seed will be called the Son of God (see 2 Sam. 7:12-14a). David’s response was to go […]
The New Man is Perfected Through the Growth in Divine Life of All the Believers

Our most desperate need in God’s eyes today is to grow in life. There are millions of believers on the earth today, but where is the built-up Body of Christ? There are so many genuine Christians, but where is the one new man? Who takes Christ as their life and person? Who is paying attention […]
5 Steps of Christ’s Growth in us, and How our Arriving to Maturity is in the Body

God’s desire is not only that He would save man from eternal perdition, but that man would be filled with Christ and even become Christ to express God in full. For this, God regenerates us with His life when we repent and believe into the Lord Jesus. Then, He grows in us and expands in […]
Having a Direct Contact with the Lord and Exercising our Heart to Grow in Life

What is growth in life? It is simply the increase of God and the decrease of our natural man, the increase of the stature of Christ and less of us, and more ground given to the Holy Spirit to work in us and less of ourselves. Since Christ came into our spirit at the time […]