The Apostle John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband (Rev. 21:2). In God’s eyes and for eternity, the New Jerusalem is already prepared and ready to marry Christ; in time and today, the New Jerusalem is being prepared as we speak […]
Growing unto Maturity and Caring for the Body to be Prepared as the Bride of Christ
The Church as the Testimony of Jesus is the Firstfruits and the Harvest in Rev. 14

In the book of Revelation we see the consummation of all that God has been doing throughout the ages, and in it we see a revelation of Jesus Christ (the Word of God) and the church (the testimony of Jesus). The church as the testimony of Jesus is first revealed as being the seven golden […]
Seeing how a Lover of the Lord Becomes Full of the Stature of Christ in Song of Songs

The book of Song of Songs shows us how a believer is growing in life unto maturity to fully match Christ, even becoming the Shulammite, the feminine form of Solomon – the same as Christ in every possible way. The loving seeker of Christ is progressively experiencing Christ until he reaches full maturity, becoming the […]
One who is Full of the Stature of Christ Reigns with Christ and Deals with the Enemy

Being full of the stature of Christ is a Body matter – it cannot be accomplished individually. We need to remain in the Body and experience Christ for the Body so that we may attain to maturity in the spiritual life. Also, as we let the life of Christ grow in us and saturate all […]
A Mature Believer is Full of the Life of Christ and he’s in the Position of Ascension

What does it mean, according to the Bible and according to our Christian experience, to be full of the stature of Christ? First of all, being full of the stature of Christ can be something we attain only in the Body and with the Body. Secondly, being full of the stature of Christ means that […]
5 Steps of Christ’s Growth in us, and How our Arriving to Maturity is in the Body

God’s desire is not only that He would save man from eternal perdition, but that man would be filled with Christ and even become Christ to express God in full. For this, God regenerates us with His life when we repent and believe into the Lord Jesus. Then, He grows in us and expands in […]
The Desperate Need to Grow in Life Unto Maturity for the Building up of the Body

This week in our enjoyment with the Lord in the morning we come to, Growing unto Maturity to Become the New Jerusalem as the Ultimate Consummation of the Church. We have to see that our desperate need today is to grow in life unto maturity for the Body of Christ to be built up. The […]