As believers in Christ, we have been rooted in Christ as the rich soil, and we grow with the elements we absorb from the soil; we need to take time to absorb Christ as the rich and all-inclusive soil into whom we have been rooted, for He is a land in which we do not […]
Rooted in Christ: Spend time with Him to Absorb His Riches and Grow for the Body
The Growth of the Body of Christ is the Building up of the Body of Christ in Love

The growth of the Body of Christ depends on the growth of God, the addition of God, the increase of God within us as the many members of the Body of Christ; the growth of the Body is the building up of the Body of Christ. Amen, how much we need the growth of […]
Hold the Head and Grow by having Christ Added to us for the Building up of the Body

As believers in Christ, we need to hold the Head, Christ, out of whom all the Body is richly supplied and knit together by means of the joints and sinews, growing with the growth of God; we’re rooted in Christ to absorb His riches and grow in life, and our growth is the building […]
Seeing a Complete Picture of the Proper Experience of Christ as seen in Colossians

In the book of Colossians, there are a number of important phrases that point to our experience of Christ; as we read and pray over this book, we will have a complete picture of the proper experience of Christ. In this book we see that Christ is in us, we are full-grown in Christ, […]
Church is the Temple of God expressed in Many Localities Consummating the New Jerusalem
![Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and [that] the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Cor. 3:16](
The church is the building of God, and all the building is growing into a temple in the Lord; the church is the temple of God, and each local church is the expression of the temple of God in that locality. Hallelujah! On one hand, each of us individually is the temple of God […]
Being Fitted in God’s Building and Growing with the Growth of God to Build up the Church

In Christ as the cornerstone, all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; we are being fitted in God’s building to be made suitable for God’s building, and our growth in life is for the building up of the Body of Christ, for we grow with the […]
Exalt Christ as Lord and take Him as our Head by being Willing to be Headed up in Christ

As believers in Christ, we need to take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Head, being willing to be headed up in Christ in the church life by growing in life and by living under Christ’s light, and we need to hold Christ as the Head by staying intimately connected to Him. Amen! Christ is […]