As believers in Christ, we need to have a walk worthily of the calling with which we were called by God; according to Ephesians 4-5 there are four main items of a walk worthy of God’s calling, ending with being filled in spirit. Amen! The first item of a walk worthy of God’s calling is […]
Live the Christian Life by having a Walk Worthy of God’s Calling in our Daily Living
Growing up into the Head, Christ, by Holding the Head to Grow with the Growth of God

As believers in Christ, we need to grow up into the Head, Christ, in all things, having the growth of God, the increase of God, for the growing of the Body to be the one new man. There’s a difference between growing in Christ and growing up into the Head, Christ, in all things. Many […]
Being Rooted in Christ to Absorb His Riches, Grow in Him, and be Built up in the Body

As we believers in Christ we are rooted in Christ, we grow in Christ, we are being built up in Christ, and we are also being built up with the saints into the Body of Christ. It is quite amazing to realise that we not only were regenerated by God with His divine life but […]
We need to Grow up into Christ in All Things and our Growth has to be in the Body

For God to gain the corporate living of the one new man on earth, we need to grow up into Christ in all things, and our growth has to be in the Body of Christ. As we focus on the topic of the one new man (which is the goal of the Lord’s recovery), this […]
We need to Grow Up into the Head, Christ, in All Things until We are All One in Him

As members of the Body of Christ, we need to hold Christ as the head, and we need to grow up into the Head, Christ, in all things; in all the things of our daily living and human existence, we need to grow up into Christ, the Head (Eph. 4:15). In thing after thing, matter […]
Presenting Every Man Mature in Christ by Ministering Christ to them for the New Man

We need to grow unto maturity to become a part of the corporate full-grown man that fulfills God’s eternal purpose (Gen. 1:26). The goal of Paul’s ministry was to present every man full-grown in Christ for the one new man (see Col. 1:28-29). For this, he struggled, strived, and even travailed so that Christ would […]
Holding to Truth in Love that We may Grow up Into Christ in All Things for the New Man

God’s desire is to gain a corporate man who fully expresses Him in His image and represents Him with His dominion. This man in God’s plan is a full-grown man, one who fulfills God’s purpose on the earth. For us as the many believers in Christ to arrive at a full-grown man, we need to […]