The kingdom of God is the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus, for whenever the Lord Jesus is transfigured within us to be manifested through us, that is the kingdom of God coming in power (see Mark 9:1-2). Amen! God wants to bring in His kingdom on the earth, and the work of God today is […]
The Kingdom of God is Christ Growing in us until He is Transfigured Within us
We must Deal with our Heart in the Lord’s Light for Christ to Grow in us unto Maturity

As believers in Christ, we must deal with our heart in the light of the Lord’s presence so that the divine seed of life may grow in us unto maturity, for our heart – our acting agent, our chief representative – is the switch of life, the entrance and exit of life in and […]
Being Matured in Life by having our Capacity Enlarged to be Filled with God’s Life

We need to be matured in life by having our capacity enlarged to be filled with God’s life. Maturity is a matter of the enlargement of capacity; God sovereignly uses persons, things, and events to empty us of everything that has filled us and to take away every preoccupation so that we may have […]
God’s Dealing with Jacob is a full picture of the Spirit’s Discipline and Transforming Work in us

It is such a mercy and a blessing for us as believers in Christ that God would deal with our natural disposition today through the Holy Spirit’s discipline and His transforming work so that Christ may be formed in us, grow in us, and bring us to maturity to make persons who bless others with […]
Arrive at the Oneness of the Faith and of the Full Knowledge of Christ, at a Full-grown Man

We need to grow in life and be perfected in our function until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man. Amen! On 26 April 1948 brother Watchman Nee gave a message on, The Whole Body Serving, in which he […]
Cooperate with the Lord to become the Bride as His Army to Fight against His Enemy

On the day of His wedding, Christ will marry those who have been fighting the battle against God’s enemy for years, and He will be the fighting General coming with His bride as His army to fight the enemy by His speaking and defeat him. The church, the Body of Christ, needs to be the […]
God’s Purpose is to have a Building as a Mingling of Himself with His Chosen People

This week in the morning revival we come to the last section of Ezekiel which focuses on God’s building; God’s eternal purpose is to have a building as a mingling of Himself with His chosen people, and all He does on earth is for His building. From the very beginning, when He created man, God […]