The God of all Grace Perfects us through Sufferings and we Grow in Grace unto Glory

The God of all grace perfects, establishes, strengthens, and grounds us through sufferings – this all grace is the true grace of God in which we enter and in which we stand, and the riches of God’s grace saturate and constitute us until we experience the consummation of the grace of God in His economy! […]

Grow in Grace by Growing with the Increase of God and Experience Grace in God’s Economy

 Grace is God Himself as our life to be one with us, to save us, to make His home in us, and to be formed in us; as believers in Christ, grace is with our spirit, and we need to grow in grace, that is, grow in the increase of God. Amen! God’s eternal […]

Enjoying Grace to Grow in Grace through the Blood, the Word, the Spirit, and the Church

As believers in Christ, we were born again by the grace of God, and now we need to grow in grace by enjoying all that Christ is to us as our spiritual food and living water. We are like Isaac: he was born through grace and he was also grown up in grace (Gen. 21:8). […]