The kingdom of the Son of God’s love is a crucial aspect of God’s will; God’s will is to have the church, the kingdom of the Son of God’s love, and we need to enthrone Christ in our being and live in the kingdom of the son of God’s love today. Amen! How we thank […]
God’s Will is to Build up the Church, which is the Kingdom of the Son of God’s Love
God needs Man to Exercise his Spirit and his Will to Pray according to God’s Will

Our service to God as priests is by prayer, and this prayer needs to be according to His heart and will; to have such a prayer, we need to allow the Spirit to mingle our desires with His desires, lead our thoughts into His thoughts, and imprint His desires and thoughts into us so that […]
learning to exercise the key of willingly taking up the cross – being happy cross-bearers
The Lord Jesus was not forced by others or by God to take up the cross – He willingly took up His cross (Matt. 26:39). It should be the same with us – we need to willingly take up the cross. Some people say that their cross is their spouse, their family, their workmates, etc. – and these ones “make them suffer and bear the cross”. They are like suffering criminals forced to bear the cross – but the Lord meant us to be happy cross-bearers! We are not criminals executed by others and thus bearing the cross; we are those who willingly take up the will of God and follow the Lord! [read more online]
what is God’s will for us as young adults? God’s will is One Person, One Way, and One Goal!
We recently enjoyed a sharing by brother Ron regarding God’s will – as young adults and as ones who are pursuing the Lord, we many times ask ourselves, we ask others, and we ask the Lord, What is God’s will for me? Usually, we relate God’s will for ourselves – what is God’s will for […]