God’s will is that the all-inclusive, extensive Christ be our portion, our life, our constituent, and our peace; we should estimate and evaluate everything according to this all-inclusive, extensive Christ. Furthermore, we need to be infused, saturated, and permeated with the all-inclusive, extensive Christ until in our experience He is everything to us. Amen! If […]
God’s Will is that we Know and Enjoy Christ, Estimating Everything According to Him
Receiving God’s Leading in the Meetings of the Church as we Exercise our Spirit

The Lord’s desire is to recover the universal priesthood of all His people: He wants that all the believers in Christ would be His priests, those who spend much time with God to be infused and filled with God, and who function as priests of the gospel. But have you ever wondered, what is the […]
Coming to Christ with Our Burdens and Learning from This Meek and Lowly One

This week we have been enjoying the Lord’s speaking concerning keeping the principle of the Sabbath, which doesn’t mean that you don’t work for God but rather you first enjoy God, are filled with God, and are one with God, and then you work together with God. How can we bear this sign of the […]
learning to exercise the key of willingly taking up the cross – being happy cross-bearers
The Lord Jesus was not forced by others or by God to take up the cross – He willingly took up His cross (Matt. 26:39). It should be the same with us – we need to willingly take up the cross. Some people say that their cross is their spouse, their family, their workmates, etc. – and these ones “make them suffer and bear the cross”. They are like suffering criminals forced to bear the cross – but the Lord meant us to be happy cross-bearers! We are not criminals executed by others and thus bearing the cross; we are those who willingly take up the will of God and follow the Lord! [read more online]