God is sovereign – His right, authority, power, and position are unlimited and absolute; we need to be in the right position to see His sovereignty, worship God for His sovereignty, and fulfill our responsibility as believers in Christ. It is crucial for us as men and as God-men to see a vision of God’s sovereignty […]
We need to Worship God for His Sovereignty and Carry out our Responsibility Today
In God’s Sovereignty He Created us as Vessels of Mercy to Contain Him for His Glory

This week in our special fellowship concerning the world situation and the Lord’s move we come to God’s sovereignty, the divine history within the human history, and the world situation and God’s move to spread His recovery. We need to see God’s sovereignty; all the events of the world history have been sovereignly arranged by […]
The Heavens Rule – The Most High is the Ruler over All the Kingdom of Men!

These coming weeks we are getting into a crystallization-study of the books of Daniel and Zechariah, and this week particularly we will focus on an amazing topic, The Rule of the Heavens, the Economy of God, and the Excellent Christ as the Precious and Preeminent One in God’s Move. Wow! I am prepared to be […]
the environment cooperates with the Spirit to put our natural man to death

If we want to minister life, we need to know God as the God of resurrection. The life that we minister to others is nothing else but the resurrection life of Christ – we need to know, experience, and gain God as the God of resurrection (John 11:25; Rom. 4:17). Day by day our outer […]
We are called to enjoy grace and express God, and Christ is our model – we are His reproduction!
For us to become Christ’s “Xerox copy” we need spiritual light and the riches of the divine life – we become not an imitation of Christ but a reproduction of Christ! A monkey can imitate the things and actions a man does, but because the monkey does not have the human life, after the “imitation time” is over, he returns back to his monkey life. But to us Christ is the original copy, the model and the pattern, and we are the Xerox-copy of Christ by our enjoyment of Him and following in His steps!
We need to know the crystallized significance of the Body of Christ – the church in the One God and Father of All
We need to know the crystallized significance of the Body of Christ, especially that the church is in God the Father (see 1 Thes. 1:1). Also, when Paul speaks about the church in Ephesians 4, he says in verse 6, One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in […]
God ordained the plurality in eldership – not a single person leading and doing everything but plurality and leadership
This morning I was so much enlightened again regarding God’s ordination of the members in the Body. As believers in Christ, we are all simply “members of the Body” and that’s it – none of us is higher or lower, but rather we are on the same level. Just like in a family though, some […]