God is sovereign, and God sovereignly created us to be His containers, vessels of mercy unto honor and glory, according to His predestination; He is making known the riches of His glory upon us, the vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory. Amen! We all need to see a vision of God’s […]
God Sovereignly Created us to be Vessels of Mercy and Honor Prepared unto Glory
See a Vision of God’s Sovereignty and Worship Him for His Sovereignty and Mercy

As believers in Christ, it is crucial for us to see a vision of God’s sovereignty and His mercy so that we may realize that He is the sovereign One working behind the scenes, He is the One above everything, in everything, and behind everything to show us mercy to make us vessels of mercy […]
Every aspect of our Environment is under God’s Sovereign Hand as we Pursue Christ

It is amazing to realize that, as believers in Christ who are pursuing Christ today, every aspect of our environment is absolutely under God’s sovereign hand. Wow! This week in our crystallization study of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel we come to week 6, entitled, Spiritual Principles, Life Lessons, and Holy Warning […]
Seeing that Everything Depends on God’s Mercy and being the Open Vessels of Mercy

Everything depends on God’s mercy; it’s all because of His mercy, not because of our seeking, pursuit, or intelligence, but because of His great mercy toward us. God has sovereignly created us in His image and according to His likeness for us to be His vessels, His containers, so that we may contain Him according […]
A vision of God’s Sovereignty: He does all things according to His Eternal Economy

God as our sovereign Potter has absolute right over us as His pottery; it is crucial for us as believers in Christ to see a vision of God’s sovereignty and realize that we are His vessels made by Him to contain Him. This week in our morning revival we come to Jer. 18:1-10 where we […]
The Lord’s Way and Means of Spreading the Church Shatters our Natural Concepts

The book of Acts shows us the spreading of the church for the enlargement of Christ on earth, and at the same time it shatters our natural concepts, it shows God’s sovereignty, and the blending of all races and kinds of people in the church, the Lord’s testimony. The basic principle of the church is […]
Living in the Divine History by Living in the Church for the Manifestation of Christ

Behind the outward and seen human history there’s a divine history, the history of God in man; as believers in Christ we were born in the human history and we were reborn in the divine history, and we need to be those living in the divine history for the manifestation of Christ. The divine history […]