In our Christian life and church life, the presence of the Lord, His smile, is the governing principle; we need to learn to be kept, ruled, governed and guided not by His secondhand presence but by the direct presence of God, the firsthand presence of the Lord, which is our power and strength to enter […]
Being Ruled by the Firsthand Presence of the Lord to Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ
Four Principles to Live out and Work out the New Jerusalem as the Reality of the Body

In order for us to live out and work out the New Jerusalem to build up Zion as the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to keep certain principles and have particular experiences as seen and typified in the New Jerusalem. Whatever is ascribed to the New Jerusalem should be both our personal […]
Eating Christ as the Bread of God’s Presence, God’s Face, to Serve God as Priests

All believers are priests to God, and it is our responsibility as priests to both set up and enjoy the bread of the presence before God. As priests to God and members of the Body of Christ, we need to be built up together with the saints, and in this built-up situation in the church […]
Walking in the Lord’s Presence, Having His Smile, and Having God with us (Emmanuel)

Abraham was a person living in the presence of God, walking before the Lord; he didn’t need to “fast and pray” to seek the will of God concerning his son’s marriage but simply sent his oldest servant to find a wife for Isaac, being assured that God is with him and He will provide (see […]
A Built-up Church Has the Presence of God – God’s Presence is Everything to us

After seeing that God’s desire and His focus today is to build up the church for the preparation and bringing in of the New Jerusalem, we need to continue to see the conditions of a built-up church today as depicted by the conditions of the New Jerusalem. The church is the miniature of the New […]
Lord, restore to me the gladness of Your salvation, and sustain me with a willing spirit!
there is a connection here between the gladness of salvation and the willingness of spirit – when we are happy in the Lord and with the Lord, we also have a willing spirit! A willing spirit depends upon the joy of salvation – when we have the joy restored to us, we are happy and willing to go along with the Lord and do what He desires. We obey the Lord because we love Him and we are filled with the joy of our salvation!