According to Eph. 3:10, the multifarious wisdom of God will be made known through the church to the rulers and authorities in the heavenlies, both the good and the evil ones, for the church is God’s masterpiece! Hallelujah! Our God is so wise, and He is making us His wise exhibition to the entire universe […]
The Multifarious Wisdom of God will be Made Known through the Church to Satan and his angels
Through the Church God’s Multifarious Wisdom is made Known and the Enemy is Subdued!

God’s purpose in creating man in His image and according to His likeness is that man would express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion. Adam, the first man, failed to express and represent God, and because of Adam’s sin and failure we are all born in sin, under Satan’s usurpation. However, Christ […]
The Rainbow around God’s Throne Signifies that Christ Became Wisdom to us from God

Through the church God’s multifarious wisdom is being manifested and displayed to the enemy and to the whole universe, and for this Christ became wisdom to us from God, both righteousness and sanctification and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30). It is a fact that all the believers in Christ can enjoy the continual transmission of Christ […]
We have been Saved by Grace through Faith to be God’s Masterpiece, His New Creation

God’s purpose for the church is threefold: the church must have the full sonship through the process of sanctification, through the church God’s multifarious wisdom would be made known to the enemy, and all things would be headed up in Christ through the church. Last week we enjoyed some great new light concerning what it […]
God’s Purpose for the Church: having the Sonship, Dealing with Satan, and Heading up

One of the most central matters in our Christian life and the desire of God’s heart is the church as the Body of Christ. These following weeks on the blog we will enjoy and dive into the matter of the Vision, Practice, and Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ (based on […]