The most marvellous and all-inclusive transformations of the eternal Triune God in His becoming a man are God’s move in man for the accomplishment of His eternal economy; today we need to move in God’s move and have God’s move in our move. Amen! May the Lord have a way to shine on the […]
Seeing that God’s Marvellous Transformations are for God’s Move in Man to Deify Man
God’s move in man began in Christ and Continues in us with our Regeneration and Transformation

As the first step of God’s move in man in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ came to be the incarnated God; He passed through incarnation, human living, death, resurrection, and ascension, and then God took another step to come into us, the many believers in Christ, to move further in man. Many people […]
God’s Move in Man in His Economy is Fulfilled by our Living in the Mingled Spirit

In His economy, God is moving not only among men but also in man to deify man for the fulfilment of His economy to have His corporate expression; by living in the mingled spirit, we fulfill God’s economy. The key is the mingled spirit, for when we live, walk, and do everything in the mingled […]
God’s History in Man began with Christ’s Incarnation and Wonderful Human Living

God’s history in man began with the incarnation of Christ and continued with His processes of human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension; these are cords of a man, bands of love, with which He drew us to Himself in love. Hallelujah for our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ, the first God-man, the One who brought God […]
God’s Move on the Earth today is in and through the Church with Christ as the Center

God’s move on the earth today is in the church and through the church, and the church has Christ as its center. Psa. 68 is a typological exposition of Num. 10:35-36, and it reveals Christ as the center of God’s move on the earth; today God is moving in man, and His move is to […]
God’s Move is in man to Deify man and Gain the One New Man for His Expression

By the side of every living creature there is a high and awesome wheel, which show us the extraordinary move of the Lord for the fulfilment of His economy; God’s move today is in man to deify man to bring forth the new man so that God may obtain a corporate expression and have His […]
Having a life of the two altars, and how the altar of burnt offering and incense are connected
In the tabernacle there were two altars, the altar in the outer court, the bronze altar for burnt offering, and the other in the Holy Place, the golden altar for burning the incense. At the first altar all the negative things and problems are dealt with, and at the second altar we fellowship with God […]