Our God is a merciful God, and we thank and worship Him for His mercy, which reaches further than His grace; we come forward with boldness to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace for timely help. On the one hand, we need to realize that God is sovereign, and in His […]
It’s all of God’s Mercy: we Hope in His Mercy and come to Receive Mercy & Find Grace
We Worship God for His Sovereign Mercy, for He made us Vessels of Mercy unto Honor

In His sovereignty, God the Father has had mercy on us and made us vessels of mercy unto honor and glory; we must praise and worship God for His sovereign mercy and trust not in ourselves but in His mercy. According to Gen. 1:26, God created us in His image and according to His likeness […]
We enter the Holy of Holies by the Blood of Jesus to touch the Throne of Grace in Spirit

The expiation cover on the Ark in the Holy of Holies equals the throne of grace in Heb. 4:16; as believers in Christ, we have boldness in the blood of Jesus to enter the Holy of Holies and touch the throne of grace in our spirit. This is the key: touching our spirit, the mingled […]
Enjoying the Resurrected Christ as the Holy and Faithful Things, God’s Mercies to us

The resurrected Christ is the holy and faithful things of David given to us as a gift for us to enjoy, experience, and participate in, and for us also to preach and give to others as the gospel. In Acts 13 Paul preaches the gospel of the firstborn Son of God, the only begotten Son […]
it is our privilege and the goal of our life to live for the Lord and be the Nazarites today(2011 Poland camp)
In the past Poland Conference for the Young People, I really enjoyed the Wednesday evening message about the ten plagues – it showed us God’s mercy on the Egyptians. Moreover, we saw that Satan as Pharaoh tried to negotiate with Moses – and same it is these days, Satan wants us to make a compromise! […]