We need to be those who build up Christ to work our own salvation for the Body of Christ, God’s poem, His masterpiece! Like Noah, we need to be those who receive the revelation from God, walk with God, do the work that changes the age by building the present Christ as our salvation […]
Build up Christ to Work our Own salvation for the Body of Christ, God’s Masterpiece
Christ Terminated all Negative things in His Flesh and Created the One New Man in Himself

Hallelujah, Christ terminated all negative things in His flesh on the cross, and He created the one new man in Himself! Through the death of Christ on the cross, all the ordinances and negative things have been terminated in His flesh, and the one new man has been created in His resurrection to be the […]
We have been Saved by Grace through Faith to be God’s Masterpiece, His New Creation

God’s purpose for the church is threefold: the church must have the full sonship through the process of sanctification, through the church God’s multifarious wisdom would be made known to the enemy, and all things would be headed up in Christ through the church. Last week we enjoyed some great new light concerning what it […]
Christ is God’s History working within Man’s History to Gain God’s Building

When we read the book of Zechariah, just as with many other prophetic books in the Bible, it is not easy to see what’s going on and what is the prophet speaking about. We really need to put on “the glasses of God’s economy” so that we may see the crystals, the precious points, in […]
the mystery of the Body of Christ as the organism of the Triune God – revealed in Ephesians!
Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians is SO RICH! When you read it “with God’s economy glasses on” you will see vision after vision, revelation after revelation! We already have seen that God’s economy is fully accomplished by the exercise of our mingled spirit(as revealed in Ephesians), and we have also seen the dispensing of the […]
The Central Line in the Bible – the New Jerusalem, the mingling of God and man!
The final item on the central line of the divine revelation in the Bible is the New Jerusalem! Many people think that, according to what Revelation 21 and 22 say, the New Jerusalem is a physical city. But why would God desire to work Himself into man and mingle Himself with man, and the consummation […]
the old creation and the new creation as revealed in the Bible and in the book of Isaiah
The book of Isaiah is like a miniature of the entire Bible: it has 66 chapters (just as the Bible has 66 books), the first 39 chapters talk mainly about the old creation (and they correspond to the Old Testament, which has 39 books), the last 27 chapters talk about the new creation (corresponding to […]