The way the Lord speaks is by His shining and by some situations that are negative and dark. God’s speaking is according to the negative situation yet with the riches of Christ as the supply for His people for them to go on with the Lord. How much we need God’s shining in us, […]
God Speaks through Negative Situations and Ministers the Riches of Christ to Supply us
Having God’s Guidance and Leading in and through Christ according to God’s Covenant

Praise the Lord, we can have God’s guidance and leading in and through Christ according to God’s covenant! God’s guidance to His people is in a general way and His leading is in a particular way through Christ, the One who was crucified and resurrected and is now in His ascension. In the book of […]
Everything we do must be According to the Leading, Working, and Speaking of the Spirit

Everything that we do in our Christian life – and especially in what relates to our bearing the ultimate responsibility for the Lord’s ultimate move – must be according to the leading, working, and speaking of the Spirit. Even the best thing that we can do for God can be religion to us if it […]
Seeing the Vision, Hearing God’s Word, and Having God’s Hand upon us to Meet His Need

Whenever a man on earth is fully open to God and is willing to be one with Him, the heavens are opened to him, he sees visions of God, he hears God’s words, and God’s hand is upon him to lead and direct him, causing him to take action to meet God’s need. Unfortunately, we […]
Seeking God’s Speaking and Leading by Reading the Actual Situation in God’s Light

It is quite impressive to see that the breastplate of judgment for God’s leading was like a heavenly, divine, and spiritual typewriter (or keyboard), and His way of speaking through the breastplate with the Urim and the Thummim is the opposite of what we would expect. We would expect that God would speak to His […]
Having God’s Speaking through Things that are Negative under God’s Shining Light

We praise the Lord for showing us that, according to the Holy Word, all believers in Christ are priests to God, those who are qualified and required to be in God’s presence, be filled with God, minister God to others, pray at the incense altar to cooperate with God’s operation and release his will on […]
God’s Leading is in the Mingled Spirit and in the Church as we Judge what He Judges

As believers in Christ we are priests to God, and it is both our privilege and our responsibility to spend time with God to be filled and saturated with God, serve God, and enter into God’s presence to receive a fresh message and leading from God. The high priest entered into the Holy of Holies […]