The church as the dwelling place of God grows by life dispensing, the dispensing of the Divine Trinity, and all the building is becoming holy to be as holy as God is through our being soaked and saturated with God’s holy element to be a holy temple in the Lord. Hallelujah! Ephesians 2 gives […]
Receive the Life Dispensing to Grow and be Soaked with God’s Holy Element to become Holy
God Sanctifies us by Saturating us with His Holy Element until we’re without Blemish

God the Father chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in love, and God sanctifies us daily by saturating us with His holy element. Our God is holy, and He wants us, His people, to be holy. He predestinated us to be sons of […]
God Chose us to be Holy and He makes us Holy by Imparting His Holy Element into us

Based on Lev. 18-20, this week we come to the matter of, Chosen to Be Holy with a Holy Living to Express the Holy God and Become the Holy City. Hallelujah, God chose us to be holy just like Him! In eternity past God chose us to be holy and without blemish before Him in […]
Believers are Holy Priests Separated unto God and Saturated with God’s Holy Element

All believers in Christ are priests to God. According to the Bible, there are two orders of the priesthood: the holy priesthood (the priesthood according to the order of Aaron) and the royal priesthood (the priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek). In Heb. 7 we see these two orders and how Christ is a […]