John 14 shows us that the Triune God is making His abode with the believers for the building up of His habitation; He visits the believers who love Him and abide in His word, speaks to them, and builds Himself into them to make them God’s habitation, the Father’s house. Amen! May our heart not […]
Triune God is Making an Abode with the Believers for the Building of His Habitation
Enjoying Christ at the Unique Place of God’s Choice for the Keeping of the Oneness

In Deut. 12 we see that the enjoyment of Christ with God has to be at the unique place of God’s choice for the keeping of the oneness of God’s people. This week in our crystallization-study of Deuteronomy we come to the topic of, Enjoying Christ with God on the Ground of Oneness. In Deut. […]
Being Formed into an Army to Fight for the Protection of God’s Testimony on Earth

The book of Numbers records how God’s chosen and redeemed people were formed into an army – a priestly army – to journey with God and fight with God for His interest on earth (see Num. 1:1-4:49; 9:15-10:36; 12:16; 20:1-21:35; 31:1-54; 33:1-49). In ch. 1 of Numbers there’s a numbering of the people for the […]
Meeting in Oneness, in the name of Jesus, in the Mingled Spirit, and with the Cross

In His wisdom, God has chosen a particular place for His people to meet – in the Old Testament this was Jerusalem, and in the New Testament is the genuine ground of oneness, the ground of the church. According to the Biblical principle, in God’s eyes there’s only one church in one city. There is […]
The Thornbush is Gradually Sanctified and Transformed to Become God’s Dwelling Place

Throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation we see that God’s goal ultimately is to obtain a dwelling place; what He is focused on today is building up His habitation. From Jacob’s dream in Genesis to Revelation 22 what God desires is to gain a dwelling place in man, a mutual habitation with man, where […]
Having a Divine View and Understanding of God’s Building Throughout the Bible

In the entire universe today God is doing only one thing: building up His eternal habitation. God’s building is the desire of God’s heart and the goal of His salvation. What please the Lord the most is not that many of his believers would overcome sin or be spiritual individually, but that He would get […]
the significance of Christ as the cornerstone for God’s building (Psalm 118)
What does it mean that Christ is the cornerstone in God’s building? In the Psalms we see that Christ is the refuge rock, the blessed Rock, the protecting rock, the higher rock, the unique rock, the strengthening rock, the habitation rock, the unfailing rock, the salvation rock, and the trusting rock! Also, He is nine types of stones: the eternal rock, the foundation stone, the living stone, the cornerstone, the precious stone, the topstone, the cleft rock, the crushing stone, and the stone of stumbling! Specifically, brother Andrew Yu was sharing at least 6 aspects in which Christ being the cornerstone is very significant: [continue reading online the six aspects]