We can work out our own salvation because it is God who operates in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure; therefore, we should do all things without murmurings and reasonings. It’s not that we by ourselves carry out our own salvation; we can’t do it, and many times we’re not […]
God operates in us, so we should do all things without Murmurings and Reasonings
Come to the Lord in the Morning to make God Happy and Experience Mutual Happiness!

Why do we need to be revived every morning? We need to see that God has a desire in His heart, which is according to His good pleasure. No one loves being sad. Everybody desires happiness. God Himself has the greatest need for happiness. The question we should ask ourselves is: What makes God happy? […]
Ezekiel 1 unveils God’s Desire to be Expressed Corporately in Christ and His Body

Ezekiel 1, the deepest chapter in the whole Bible, unveils to us the desire of God’s heart and the purpose He wants to accomplish; in this chapter we see that God obtains a corporate expression of Himself in Christ and His Body, that is, the Man on the throne and the four living creatures on […]
Seeing the Vision, Hearing God’s Word, and Having God’s Hand upon us to Meet His Need

Whenever a man on earth is fully open to God and is willing to be one with Him, the heavens are opened to him, he sees visions of God, he hears God’s words, and God’s hand is upon him to lead and direct him, causing him to take action to meet God’s need. Unfortunately, we […]
God’s Economy is to make Man the Same as He is and Make Man One with Him for His Expression

Both on God’s side and on the side of His seeking ones there has been a yearning for revival throughout the ages. The new revival which we need today is not an emotional stirring or excitement but an inward energizing and revitalisation as a result of our seeing what’s in God’s heart, the eternal economy […]
Our Destiny is to Enjoy the Grace of God and Live a Grace-Enjoying Life Today

God predestinated us live a life of enjoying grace for God’s good pleasure. The burden of the entire Bible is to cause us to see and live a grace-enjoying life for God’s good pleasure. From Genesis and all the way through to Revelation, in book by book, we see that God wants us to enjoy […]
Being Filled with God, Cooperating with God, and Being Perfected to do God’s Will

The word of God has been completed in its written form in the Bible, but what about our personal experience? Has the word of God been completed in our life? Do we have the central vision of the completing ministry of Paul governing us and restricting us? In Paul’s writings in the New Testament we […]