The Prophets in the Old Testament Prophesied concerning the Grace that was to Come to us

The prophets in the Old Testament prophesied concerning the grace that was to come to us, the grace that is for the salvation of our soul; the Spirit of Christ applies God’s full salvation as grace to us by the prophesying of the Old Testament saints and the preaching of the New Testament apostles. Amen! […]

Partake of the Triune God by the Hidden Man of the Heart with the Spirit of Glory

The central focus and basic structure of 1 and 2 Peter are the energizing Triune God operating in His economy to bring His chosen ones into the full enjoyment of the Triune God; we can partake of His riches as the Spirit of glory and the Spirit of Christ by means of the inner man […]

God’s full salvation is based on His righteousness and consummates in His life!

How wonderful salvation is! In John 3:16 we see that salvation is because of the Lord’s love, in Ephesians, salvation is by grace, but in Romans salvation is by righteousness! In Chapter 1 of Romans we see that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation… for the righteousness of God is revealed in […]

The high gospel of God’s full salvation, from redemption until the Body of Christ and the New Jerusalem!

Many people living on earth today have heard, in one form/way or another, the gospel being preached to them. And especially in the highly cultured / civilized countries, there are more and more people that do NOT really want to be a Christian, but would rather adhere to atheism. The gospel that is preached today […]

the complete gospel of God as revealed in the book of Romans, God’s full salvation

The book of Romans is many times called “The Gospel of God”, since it presents the full gospel according to Paul. Here we see not just the fact that we are sinners in need of God’s redemption, but also that after being regenerated we are much more saved in His life, we are being daily […]