The Old Testament history is closely related to God’s economy in the way of typology; in the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament, we see a vivid portrait of the all-inclusive Christ in and for God’s eternal economy. When we come to the matter of typology, many new and young saints may not be […]
A Vivid Portrait of the All-inclusive Christ in and for God’s Eternal Economy
God’s Economy concerning Christ and the Church is seen in Typology in 1 and 2 Kings

The books of 1 and 2 Kings are concerned not with the historical facts but with an intrinsic revelation related to Christ and the church, for these books of history were written from the point of view of God’s eternal economy concerning Christ and the church. May we have such an intrinsic view of […]
Let’s pray for the saints to realize that as members of the Word of God, they are also God’s oracle, speaking for Him

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would realize that as Christ, the firstborn Son of God, is the Word of God—God’s oracle for the speaking and dispensing of God—they, His brothers, as members of the Word of God, are also God’s oracle, speaking and dispensing God for the spreading of God and the […]
In God’s Economy with His Dispensing we’re being Emptied to Receive only God as our Gain

The Bible speaks of only one thing: God’s eternal economy for the divine dispensing; yes, the Bible speaks about Christ and is focused on Christ, but in particular, the Bible speaks of Christ in God’s economy. When we come to the book of Job it is quite easy to focus on the sufferings he went […]
We Need to receive the Revelation concerning God and God’s Economy for God’s Building

Even though the word economy is not used in the Old Testament books, yet the typology of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers unveils God’s economy; we need to receive the revelation concerning God and God’s economy. In these books we see the economy of God in pictures, while in the New Testament we see it in […]
To Participate in the Recovery of the Church we need to See God’s Eternal Purpose

This week in our morning revival time with the Lord we come to the topic of, The Recovery of the Church, and in particular, Seeing God’s Eternal Purpose concerning the Church and Enlightening all concerning the Economy of the Mystery Hidden in God. In order for us to participate in the recovery of the church, […]
God’s history in eternity past is His preparation to be in union with us

In the Bible we can see the divine history within the human history in many details. Actually, God’s history is our history because He is in union with us. Within the shell of the outward human history there is the divine history. Our living, purposeful, active, and acting God has a history, a biography, and […]