One of the most crucial matters among all the major items of the Lord’s recovery is Christ – the supreme preciousness of the all-inclusive Christ. God’s focus is on Christ; He doesn’t want us to pay attention to anything or anyone else but Christ, and to God and man Christ is everything. However, we as […]
Christ is the Tested Foundation Stone and Precious Cornerstone for God’s Building
The Church is Built with the Christ Experienced, Gained, and Enjoyed by God’s People

I am looking forward to the next Crystallization-Study of Exodus when we will dive deeper into the divine revelation concerning the tabernacle, the dwelling place of God among men, but in this morning revival we are only touching the surface and having a foretaste of this matter. What is in God’s heart, the reason for […]
Seeing the Desire of God’s Heart, the Building of God’s Dwelling Place on Earth

In the book of Exodus we see how God called Moses, prepared him, and sent him to deliver His people from the usurpation and tyranny of Pharaoh in Egypt; God brought the people of Israel out of Egypt with a mighty hand, bringing them across the Red Sea and into the wilderness so that they […]
The Coordinated Body of Priests, the Priesthood, is God’s Built-up Spiritual House

God’s heart’s desire to have a corporate expression in this universe is fulfilled by the priesthood; what the Lord is doing today is to recover the priesthood, and we as believers in Christ need to cooperate with Him to be those who are brought into His presence and even into the Lord Himself until we […]
Being Filled and Saturated with Christ to Express Him and become God’s Dwelling Place

The Lord today desires to recover the universal priesthood of all the believers in Christ for God’s building. He wants that all believers would be restored to a normal situation according to the divine standard from a condition of failure, degradation, loss, and abnormality. We need to be open to the Lord in a fresh […]
The Church is Glorious: it is a Corporate Thornbush Indwelt by the Triune God!

In God’s eyes and in Moses’ understanding, the people of Israel were a corporate thornbush as the dwelling place of God as the divine fire burning within and upon them. God redeemed them (Exo. 13:14-16), sanctified them (Exo. 13:2), transformed them, and built them up to become the reality of the tabernacle, the dwelling place […]
The Divine Economy: the Church is the Triune God Burning within Redeemed Humanity!

God’s desire is to obtain a dwelling place; the heavens are His throne, the earth is His footstool, but where is the man in which He is pleased to dwell? God dwells in man – His dwelling place is in our mingled spirit today (Eph. 1:21-22). The thornbush in Exo. 3 and the tabernacle later […]