When we eat the open manna (the manna that is available for us openly every day), we gain the hidden manna (the manna that we have eaten, digested, and assimilated) and are being produced as the overcomers of today; the Christ we enjoy and assimilate becomes an eternal memorial before God. The matter of manna […]
The Christ we Eat as Manna makes us His Overcomers and becomes an Eternal Memorial
The Earlier Overcomers have Highways to Zion in their Heart and Bring the Lord Back

The New Jerusalem is the totality of the overcomers, and today we want to be the earlier overcomers, those who have highways to Zion in our heart, love the Lord more than our self, and live out the reality of the Body of Christ. These past few weeks we have been enjoying the matter of […]
The Church is the Place of God’s Throne and the Place where He Dwells with His People

We need to see and realise that God desires to have a dwelling place on earth with man, and the goal of His salvation is the building of His dwelling place on earth; the church is the place of God’s throne and the place where He dwells with His people. In Ezekiel 43:1-7 we see […]
The Goal of God’s Eternal Purpose is to have a Corporate People as His Dwelling Place

It is quite amazing to be enlightened by the Lord and realize that the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation (including the book of Exodus, which we are studying now) speaks concerning God’s eternal purpose, and that the goal of God’s eternal purpose is to have a corporate people to be His dwelling place for […]
Being Overlaid with God as Gold to Practically Keep the Oneness of the Spirit

The Lord Jesus prayed for the oneness in John 17, and in Exodus 26 with the tabernacle, we can see a picture, a type of this oneness, in the standing boards of the tabernacle which were overlaid with gold; we need to be overlaid with God as gold, for us to be one practically and […]
We need to be Built up to be God’s Dwelling Place to Serve Him as the Priesthood

In the building of God, the goal of God’s work and His heart’s desire, the living stones are the priests, and the building is the priesthood; for us to be the priesthood in reality, we need to be built up in God and with one another for God’s building. If we read the Old Testament […]
The Progressive Revelation of the Compound Spirit in the Bible and the Spirit of God

This week we are focusing on an unbelievably grand subject and reality in the Bible, the compound Spirit. The term “compound Spirit” cannot be found in the Bible, just as the “Triune God” is not mentioned literally, but the absolute undeniable fact is there. This Spirit is the Spirit of God – it is not […]