2 Tim. 4:7 reveals that a proper Christian life involves fighting the good fight, running and finishing the course, and keeping the faith; we believers fight the good fight of the faith by fighting against any deviations from the faith, any different teachings that distract us from God’s economy, which is in faith. Amen! This […]
Fight the Good Fight by Keeping God’s Economy and Rejecting the Different Teachings
In God’s Economy with His Dispensing we’re being Emptied to Receive only God as our Gain

The Bible speaks of only one thing: God’s eternal economy for the divine dispensing; yes, the Bible speaks about Christ and is focused on Christ, but in particular, the Bible speaks of Christ in God’s economy. When we come to the book of Job it is quite easy to focus on the sufferings he went […]
What is the Purpose of God in His Creating of Man and in His Dealing with His People?

The forty-two chapters in the book of Job leave us with a great question of two parts: What is the purpose of God His creating of man, and what is the purpose of God in His dealing with His chosen people? This is something that we all have to answer, and we praise the Lord […]
There’s a Desperate Need for the Stewardship of God to Carry out the Economy of God

In God’s New Testament economy there’s a desperate need for the stewardship of God; we all are given this stewardship and we need to remain under the divine dispensing to be constituted and filled with God and minister Him to others. We may never connect the matter of the stewardship of God in Eph. 3 […]
God needs Faithful Stewards to Minister the Mysteries of God by Dispensing God into man

In order for God to carry out His economy, He must have stewards to serve, minister, manage, and execute His economy; may we be the faithful stewards of the mysteries of God as He entrusts us with Christ and the church. The general subject for this week’s morning revival is, Carrying out the Stewardship of […]
We need to Enlighten all that they may See the Church as the Mystery Hidden in God

The mystery hidden in God throughout the ages and revealed to His saints in the New Testament is the church, the center and focus of His economy and plan. God has an eternal purpose, which is to work Himself into His chosen people to be their life and everything so that they may be regenerated, […]
The Spirit of Jehovah with the Element of the Triune God in God’s Relation with Man

The matter of the Spirit of God in the Bible and in our experience has been greatly misunderstood and misapplied, leading to many superficial, superstitious, and even paranormal things that Christians would believe or think concerning the Spirit. We need to take a look at what the Bible says concerning the Spirit of God, and […]