Praise the Lord, we can have God’s guidance and leading in and through Christ according to God’s covenant! God’s guidance to His people is in a general way and His leading is in a particular way through Christ, the One who was crucified and resurrected and is now in His ascension. In the book of […]
Having God’s Guidance and Leading in and through Christ according to God’s Covenant
Praise our Life-giving and Redeeming God on the Throne who Keeps His Covenant!

God is on the throne, and He looks like jasper and like sardius, and there’s a rainbow around the throne; our God is the God of life and redemption, and He is the covenanting God, the faithful God who keeps His covenant while executing His judgment upon the earth. Hallelujah for the rainbow around God’s […]
The Promise of the Seed of the Woman destroying Satan’s Head: Christ and His Overcomers

Our God is a covenanting God, and we are His covenanted people. Throughout the Bible we see God making covenants with His people; His covenants reveal His desire toward man. The Bible is a book of the revelation of God’s desire toward man. God expresses His desire toward man in a covenant as a way […]
The Meaning of, You therefore shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect

One of the hardest verses for a young believer to understand is in Matt. 5:48, You therefore shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Immediately most believers take this as a matter of “trying to be a better person”, attempting to remove old sinful habits that don’t match their new calling to be sanctified […]