The divine sanctification is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy to make us sons of God in full; we are daily being sanctified to be divinely sonized by God. God the Father chose us, the believers in Christ, even before the foundation of the world, to make us holy. He […]
The Divine Sanctification is the Holding Line in God’s Economy to Sonize us Divinely
The Christian Life is a Life for God’s Economy to Build up the Body as His expression

God’s eternal economy is to gain a group of people into whom He dispenses Himself to be their life and everything so that they would be joined to Him as one, be filled and occupied with Him, and be one organic entity with Him on earth to be the Body of Christ; the Christian […]
We’re in the Process of being Deified to become the New Jerusalem Fully Expressing God

As believers in Christ, we are in the process of being deified to become the New Jerusalem, fully expressing God for eternity! There is an amazing thought in the Bible concerning God’s desire to be one with man; His desire is to become man so that man would become God in life and nature but […]
Today we are Preaching Christ as the Firstborn Son of God for His Propagation

Christ is both the only Begotten Son of God and the firstborn Son, and what we announce today is Christ as the Firstborn Son of God for His propagation. He was, is, and always will be the only Begotten Son of God in His Godhead, and He always existed and will always exist as such […]
Preaching the Gospel concerning the Economy of the Mystery Hidden in God – the Church

The matter of the church is not that simple – the church is the mystery of Christ, the Body of Christ in God’s eternal economy, and we should preach the gospel concerning the economy of the mystery hidden in God. The universe with its vastness, the earth with all the things in it, the animals, […]
Seeing the Economy of the Mystery Hidden in God and daily Receiving God’s Dispensing

From the beginning of the world the purpose of creation was a mystery hidden in God, but in the New Testament God has revealed the economy of the mystery to His believers, showing us that His intention is to gain the church, His corporate expression. Everything in the universe exists for a purpose, because God, […]
God, Man, and the Existence of the Universe are for God’s Purpose to have the Church

Everything and everyone in the universe, including God, man, the planets, the air, the water, the animals, and everything else is according to God’s eternal purpose to have the church. The existence of the church is for God’s purpose to have the church. All things were and were created for God’s will, His purpose, and […]