In relation to the church we need to have a clear vision of what the church is, we need to see what is the practice of the church, and we need to give ourselves to the Lord for the building up of the church. The church as the Body of Christ is an organic entity, […]
The Visions in the Scriptures are Related to God’s Building, which is the Church
Being Poured out as a Drink Offering over the Building of God for His Satisfaction

It is a great blessing to read the Bible with “the glasses of God’s economy” on. When we read the account in Gen. 35 with Jacob going to Bethel, setting up an altar, calling on the name of the Lord, having the Lord’s speaking, setting up a pillar and pouring out a drink offering and […]
Having a Divine View and Understanding of God’s Building Throughout the Bible

In the entire universe today God is doing only one thing: building up His eternal habitation. God’s building is the desire of God’s heart and the goal of His salvation. What please the Lord the most is not that many of his believers would overcome sin or be spiritual individually, but that He would get […]
Christ as the Stone with Seven Eyes Infuses us with Himself for God’s Building

The Bible is so amazing, and as you study it in a prayerful way, with an exercised spirit and a clear mind, having a vision of God’s economy, you will realize that all things in the Bible are connected and make sense! From Genesis to Revelation, God’s speaking is one, is full of meaning, and […]
In God’s Building, the Mingling of God with Man, Christ is Everything
![In God's Building, the Mingling of God with Man, Christ is Everything [picture via, surfingthewavesofgrace]](
The entire Bible talks about one thing: God’s building. The Bible is a book of building, and God’s purpose as revealed in all the Scriptures is that He desires to have a building. If we see the vision of God’s building, we will have a correct understanding of the Bible. The age we live in […]
We Become God’s Fellow Workers by Growing in Life and by Being Transformed
![Lord, how do YOU want me to work for You and with You? Lord, what does it mean that we are plants in God's farm and precious materials in God's building? Unveil us to see the intrinsic significance of these things and how they are practically related to us. [in the picture: 1 Cor. 3:12, taking heed on how we build!]](
All the believers in Christ have the privilege to be God’s fellow workers, those who work the work of the Lord (see 1 Cor. 16:10) and even abound in the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58). The way to do this is not by seeing the need to do something for God and going […]
the significance of Christ as the cornerstone for God’s building (Psalm 118)
What does it mean that Christ is the cornerstone in God’s building? In the Psalms we see that Christ is the refuge rock, the blessed Rock, the protecting rock, the higher rock, the unique rock, the strengthening rock, the habitation rock, the unfailing rock, the salvation rock, and the trusting rock! Also, He is nine types of stones: the eternal rock, the foundation stone, the living stone, the cornerstone, the precious stone, the topstone, the cleft rock, the crushing stone, and the stone of stumbling! Specifically, brother Andrew Yu was sharing at least 6 aspects in which Christ being the cornerstone is very significant: [continue reading online the six aspects]