After God showed the vision of His holy building to Ezekiel, He measured His people by His building, by all the details and features; the entire Bible is a book on building, and for us to build the church we need to let Christ build Himself into us first. It is a life-changing experience to […]
The Bible is a Book of Building, and we need to Let Christ Build Himself into us
God’s Main Work is the Work of Building up the Church for His Corporate Expression

Today God does only one work: the work of building Himself into man and man into God so that God and man may be mingled together and become the building of God, the dwelling place of God, the house of God. Everything that He did and does is for His main work of building. When […]
Building up God’s Dwelling Place with the Christ we Enjoy, Experience, and Offer to God

If we see that God’s purpose, His heart’s desire, and His goal is the church, His dwelling place, we will realize that we were saved for the church, we enjoy Christ for the church, and we are under God’s light and revelation for the building up of the church. It is crucial to see the […]
God’s Goal is His Building; God’s Building is God’s Thought and Purpose in Exodus

The goal of God’s salvation, provision, and revelation as seen in the book of Exodus is God’s building, His dwelling place on earth. The purpose for which God redeemed and saved His people from Pharaoh’s usurpation was so that they would enjoy God’s full salvation and build up His dwelling place. The goal of God taking […]
Seeing how God’s Building is the Goal of His Salvation, Provision, and Revelation

The subject of the book of Exodus is that Christ is the redemption, salvation, and supply of God’s people, and the means for them to worship and serve God so that in Him they may be built up with God together for them and God to meet, communicate, and dwell mutually (see the Holy Bible, […]