In His economy God gives us one person – Christ – and one way – the cross; Christ and the cross fulfills God’s purpose and are the only way He takes to fulfill His desire. The way God deals with all the problems in the universe is the cross. God doesn’t negotiate or compromise. He […]
In His Economy God gives us only One Person – Christ – and only One Way – the Cross
Seeing a Vision of the Throne of God for His Administration throughout the Universe

As believers in Christ, we are living creatures who are learning to maintain a clear sky between us and the Lord, and above this clear sky there’s a throne – we need to see a vision of the throne of God for the divine administration throughout the universe. As we are learning to coordinate with […]
The Living Creatures are the means for God’s Manifestation, Move, and Administration

Chapter one of Ezekiel is both deep, profound, and fascinating; the four living creatures, in particular, are very interesting, for with them we see the appearance of a man, and they manifest God’s glory, they are the means for God to move, and they are the means for God to administrate on the throne. The […]
The Executing Center of God’s Administration in the Universe is the Incense Altar

We need to not only know the significance of the golden altar in the tabernacle and but we need to see a vision of this altar and apply it to our daily living in the church life. The incense altar signifies not only prayer but Christ as the Intercessor, the One who prays and intercedes […]
Christ as Another Angel Cares for God’s People and Executes God’s Administration

When we as human beings think of or study the matter of the angels in the Bible we tend to get into things that the Bible doesn’t say but we personally like and prefer, and thus we are distracted from the main line of the divine revelation in the word of God. But we need […]
The Body of Christ, the Corporate Christ, Carries out God’s Administration Today

We need to see the vision of the Body of Christ. The Body is a mystical corporate entity composed of all the redeemed, regenerated, and transformed human beings who are united, mingled, and incorporated with the Triune God. Christ Himself is the Head of the Body, and all the genuine believers in Christ are the […]
In His Ascension Christ was Crowned with Glory and Honor, and He was Enthroned by God

As we grow and develop in the divine life unto maturity, we will be those who know the ascension of Christ – both in an objective way (the facts that Christ accomplished and attained to when He was ascended) and subjectively (by experiencing Christ’s ascension in our experience). If we are those knowing the ascension, […]