We need to understand and know what is the will of God, realizing that God’s will is what He wants and what He intends to accomplish, that is, to work Himself into us to gain His corporate expression consummating in the New Jerusalem. This week we come to a new series of morning revival book […]
We need to Know what is the Will of God: God Works Himself into us for the Church
God Created us in His own Image, according to His Likeness, for us to be like Him

God created man in His image and according to His likeness so that He would work Himself in Christ into us and make us the same as Him to be His corporate expression on the earth. Hallelujah! Throughout the Bible we see that God’s intention is with man, His thought is focused on man, and […]
God’s Central Work is to Work Himself into His People to be their inward Constituent

As believers in Christ, we need to be those experiencing God’s central work and taking Christ as our person in and for the church life. God’s unique work, His central work, is nothing else but to work Himself into us and become our very inward constitution so that we may live the church life, having […]
God’s Intention is to Build Himself into our Being and to Build us into His Being

What does the Body of Christ need today? Have you ever wondered, what is the greatest need in the Body of Christ? Some may say that the Body needs more gifted members while others may emphasize more social work, practical help, or preaching the gospel. But what the Body of Christ mainly needs today is […]
daily growing in the divine life by having the element of God being added to us
Whenever we feel weak in our spirit, our mind, or our body toward the things of God, we need to call on the name of the Lord. When we call on the Lord’s name we actually breathe in the divine life, which is Christ as the embodiment of God realized as the Spirit. When we call on the name of the Lord, the entire Triune God is added to us in the Spirit, and we grow with the element of God which is added to us. This is to know God and experience Him in the way of life, daily, even moment by moment. In this way, God grows in us daily – and our Christian life and growth is normal, healthy, and proper. [read more online a sharing inspired from today’s morning revival]