God’s thoughts and ways to build up the church as the temple of the living God are higher than ours; we need to forsake our ways and thoughts and return to Jehovah our God to take the way of enjoying Christ in the church and for the church. Amen! We may think we know […]
Taking the Way of Enjoying Christ in the Church and Dwelling in the House of God
Living a Life of Enjoying Christ as Life and Enjoying the Top Portion in the Meetings

Hallelujah, the Christian life is a life of enjoying Christ as the tree of life, and we can enjoy the top portion of Christ in the meetings of the church! God’s intention is to give Himself to man as the tree of life for man to enjoy, for God wants man not to do […]
we can be the dispensational instrument that the Lord needs today(sharing from the 2011 Poland camp)
Every year, hundreds of young people from all over the globe travel to a small village in Poland called Male Ciche to consecrate one whole week for the enjoyment of Christ and to be constituted with the Word of God. This year’s conference was no exception, and although the rain was falling all week, this […]
God needs us not to do great works for Him, but rather He needs us to eat Him and to drink Him
God desires that we would just enjoy Him! We see this clearly in the picture presented at both ends of the Bible: in the beginning, in Genesis, we see a man before the tree of life, and there’s a river that waters all the garden and reaches out to the whole earth! At the end […]