The God-man living is the life of the burnt offering; we must allow the Lord to burn us so that we may be a continual burnt offering to burn others and be reduced to ashes to become the New Jerusalem for God’s expression. Amen! What is the God-man living? What is the living of […]
We are being Reduced to Ashes to be Transformed in Resurrection for the New Jerusalem
Being a Continual Burnt Offering to be Reduced to Ashes and become the New Jerusalem!

In order for us to overcome the principle of Babylon and return to the orthodoxy of the church, we need to daily take Christ as our burnt offering; this will cause us to be reduced to ashes, which are treasured by God and are becoming the New Jerusalem, even though the world despises them. The […]
Taking Christ as our Burnt Offering to Have an Upper Room Consecration and Become Ashes

The church life began when a group of people had an “upper room consecration” to become a corporate burnt offering to God for His satisfaction; this triggered and drew God’s blessing, and many were “burnt” and attracted to Christ by their corporate testimony. In our Christian life we need to never “let the fire on […]
the basis, motive, meaning, purpose, and result of our consecration to God

We can cooperate with Christ in His heavenly ministry today – in the day of His warfare – by having an absolute and thorough consecration to the Lord. Actually, “the fullness of one’s experience of life depends on the fullness of one’s experience of consecration” (W. Lee, Experience of Life). What is consecration? What is […]