Though we have no ground to receive grace, we received kindness from God because of Christ, who died for us and made it possible for us to enjoy God in Christ as grace to meet all our needs; this is typified by David’s showing kindness to Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan (2 Sam. 9). […]
We Receive the Kindness of God and Enjoy His Grace because of Christ who Died for Us
We need to Diligently Labor on the All-inclusive Christ to Enjoy His Riches and Gain Him

Our need as believers in Christ is to labor on the all-inclusive Christ to have something of Him that we gain, experience, enjoy, and are constituted with so that there would be a surplus to bring to the church meetings for the worship of God our Father in a corporate way. This week we come […]
Christ is the sure mercies shown to David and also the covenant; He is the covenanted mercies!
In His economy, God desires to be the fountain of living waters for His people to drink and be filled with! He is the source, the fountain, of the water of life – and He calls us all to come and drink! So wonderful! As the living waters, Christ is also the sure mercies shown to […]
God qualified us for a share of Christ, the allotted portion of the saints in the light
It is so good to be reminded day by day that all that God desires is Christ, and this One to be enjoyed by us and expressed through us in a corporate way. The Bible is full of God’s intention of giving us Christ(which is the embodiment of all that God is) to be our […]