As believers in Christ, we were put into Christ as the mold at the time of our baptism, and now we are learning Christ as the reality is in Jesus by being conformed to the image of Christ so that the living of Jesus would be duplicated in us, the members of the Body […]
God put us in Christ as the Mold for us to Learn Christ as the Reality is in Jesus
Not Living in the Vanity of our Mind but Learning Christ as the Reality is in Jesus

Before we were saved we lived in the vanity of our mind, but through faith in Christ and baptism in Him we have learned Christ even as the reality is in Jesus, and now we put on the new man with the new living, the church life. By faith in Christ we have received Him […]
We need to Learn Christ as the Reality is in Jesus for the Living of the New Man

For the corporate living of the one new man, we need to learn Christ at the reality is in Jesus; we can be those learning Christ because we have been put in Christ as the mold and we have Christ as the life-giving Spirit in our spirit. This expression, learning Christ in Eph. 4:20-21 is […]
We are In Christ: His Death and Resurrection are Our Experience for the Church Life

After Noah built the ark according to God’s divine revelation and instructions, he and his whole family entered into it – together with the animals – and God shut the door behind them. As we build up Christ in our experience day by day, working out our own salvation by enjoying Christ, loving Him, talking […]