In order for us to pray with God as our faith, we need to know the meaning of prayer; prayer is the flowing between man and God and the mutual contact between man and God, and a praying person cooperates with God and allows God to express Himself through his prayer. This week in […]
Prayer is the Mutual Contact between Man and God to Absorb and Express God in Prayer
We need to Match God in His Move on Earth today by Serving Him and Ministering Christ

The holy service portrayed in Numbers was for a God who is very active and moving; our priesthood and service is not for Christ who is inactive but for a Christ who is very active, and we must match God in His move. On one hand as believers in Christ we are a holy and […]
God desires to gain a God-man, a Man Mingled with God, to Express and Represent Him

The whole Bible and the book of Ezekiel in particular reveals that God’s central thought and arrangement are related to man, for God needs man – He wants to gain a God-man – for His corporate expression and representation. From the very beginning in the book of Genesis God created man according to His image […]
God’s Central Thought and Arrangement are Related to Man, for Man is to Express God

It is very significant that the One sitting on the throne in Ezek. 1 has the likeness of a man and the four living creatures bear the appearance of a man; this shows us that the four living creatures are the corporate expression of the man on the throne (see Ezek. 1:5, 26). Ezekiel 1 […]
The Meaning of, You therefore shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect

One of the hardest verses for a young believer to understand is in Matt. 5:48, You therefore shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Immediately most believers take this as a matter of “trying to be a better person”, attempting to remove old sinful habits that don’t match their new calling to be sanctified […]